Committee Meeting

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Minutes of CAGA Meeting on 20th November 2019

Present : Ged Wells, David Shaw, Frans Lytzen, Mike Ibbet, Pete Bowler, Stephen Colley, Rod Lavers, Brian Roebuck, Peter Greenway

 Apologies: Diane Troye



Minutes of the last meeting were approved. 



Handover from Stuart Harding (ex Treasurer) to Pete Greenway is ongoing.


Appointment of Officers

Peter Greenway has been formally appointed as CAGA Treasurer

Diane Troye has been reappointed as CAGA Secretary



Just placed a large order  - chicken manure pellets and canes – delivery expected 22/11. Planning on assessing stock of seed

Considering ordering potatoes – to be sold on a first come first served basis – need to know cost before we place any orders.


Shop Rota

Sunday 24th Nov– Ged

Sunday 1st December -Mike

Sunday 8th Dec -Diane & David

Sunday 15th Dec –Rod

Shop duty rota to be placed on the notice board.






Distribution Centre and its’ future

Have contacted Chinnor Parish Council (CPC) and South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) re capital funding for the replacement of the Distribution Centre (DC).

Application must be submitted by the 2nd of December.

Capital grant guidance is 50% of the project cost upto a maximum contribution of £75k. There is a scoring system in place – need to score 8 to 9 points to be considered a `high` priority for funding.

Expenditure has to qualify for capital funding, there are certain restrictions and the application must be made online.

Certain requirements are as follows:

·       Must have a constitution, and any reviews must be included in the minutes.

·       CAGA must provide 3 quotes for the work

·       That we get an Energy Audit completed as we may get more support for our application for funding.

·       Must have 3rd party liability insurance of £5m


Plans for new building should include some flexible meeting space and be able to be used by other parts of the Chinnor community.

We will need Planning Permission – CPC approached for assistance.

CAGA must be prepared to part fund the build.

Need to confirm that the Section 106 funds from the Kiln Lakes development are still available.

Agreed at this juncture to contribute £5k from CAGA funds.

Need to agree a strategy for raising additional funding – to be raised at the next meeting. Brian Roebuck has offered to approach various external bodies for funding.





















There are about a dozen non-payers of annual plot rent outstanding at the date of the meeting.

There are 3 full plots and 3 half plots available.

We have a waiting list of 14 people

Franz to let Brian know who haven’t paid so the plots can be inspected





Pumpkin Hunt event

This went really well – over 30 participants throughout the day

The Committee would like to express their thanks to all those involved.





 Other Items :  

Complaint about the large cherry tree has been raised with the CPC, their view is that the tree does not need any attention.

Ged and Steve to visit complainant and explain the CAGA viewpoint.

Xmas Invite 22nd December from 12pm – bring some nibbles and drinks – all are welcome

 Next meeting will be on Wednesday18th December2019 at 7pm in the D.C



Ged / Steve

All Plot holders