Committee Meeting

Wednesday, August 16, 2023






Minutes of meeting held on 16th August 2023 at 7:00pm at the Distribution Centre



Sandy Russell (SR), Chaired by Mike Ibbett (MI), Brian Collins (BC), Mike Gill (MG), Jackie Gunn (JG) and Rod Lavers (RL) and plot holder M Dyroff

Absent: Peter Greenway (PG)




1.       Apologies


Bryan Roebuck


2.       Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes were accepted and approved.



3.       Financial Report

Verbal report of the figures.

Electrical certificate for the DC has now finally been obtained.  Switched to lower electricity charges for the next year.

There has been a request by a plot holder to view the accounts from the last 5 years. No objections and in hand.


4.       Shop Report

PG Absent



5.       Shop Rota

20/8 PG,  27/8 MG,  3/9 JG,  10/9 MI,  17/9 RL,  24/9 SR



6.       Plot Lettings

9 people on the waiting list, RL is meeting 2 people on Saturday. 9 emails sent out after recent plot walk resulting in 1 resignation so far.

Discussion was had about the state of plots before letting them and of giving choices to new plot holders.  






Midweek working parties

We had the work party earlier today which went very well. Thanks to all volunteers who turned out to help.



Chinnor Pump

No pump article for August. September issue to mention AGM and raffle.


Website & Facebook report, incl newsletter update etc:

Newsletter was sent out advising of Mid-week working party. Only 70% opened the email.

Mention raffle in the next newsletter





S106 Monies

Building – MI & SR met with CPC and agreed to recommission a survey of the building, which was duly carried out and a report made and shared.  As a result CPC will not support S106 being spent on the roof.

Car Park & Drainage – Currently 3 quotes to date. It was proposed that we summit them to CPC. 5 in favour and 1 abstention.  

Copy of updated quotes to be sent to all committee members


Further conversations were had about security cameras, rotavators and shredders.










Policies in progress.





Various policies (Environmental, Data Protection, Safeguarding and Code of Conduct) have been drafted and circulated for the committee to study and develop with a view to adoption by CAGA. Committee to read and send comments to MI







Potential date is 24th October Jackie to book the Pavilion. 7pm for a 7.30 pm start. 

Shop stock take needs to be done before hand.

Proposed to have a 33% rent increase. A £15 plot will then cost £20.   5 people in favour 1 against.









JG Followed up on some papers handed in to the committee which basically recommended that the allotments should be mentioned in The Chinnor Neighbourhood Plan, which it is thanks to the Neighbourhood planning team.


Plastic greenhouses/polytunnel should be 6 ft X 4 ft and permission must be sought from the committee before erection.


Should we ask plot holders to carry their membership cards.  

Discussed having CCTV at the allotments as a deterrent following the theft of crops. To be followed up


More than usual wood chippings seem to be appearing. Jackie to contact company and enquire when they last brought some.











Date of next meeting

20th September in DC @ 7pm.