Committee Meeting

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Minutes of committee meeting held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at the D.C @ 7.00 p.m.

Present:-             Sandy Russell (Treasurer) SR,  Peter Greenway PG, Rod Lavers (Plot Letting) RL

                               Mike Ibbett MI,  Brian Collins TC,                                             



1  Apologies       Mike Gill (Chairman)                                                                                      


2  Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.  Passed with the following amendments:-


MI brought up the subject that the April minutes should have an additional note to say that following the dismissal of Jackie Gunn as CAGA Secretary, there was another vote to decide if she should remain as a committee member. This vote was 4-3 in favour of removing Jackie Gunn from the committee. MI also wanted to record that the website renewal notice wasn’t received by Frans Lytzen as was previously recorded.


3  Financial Report


A printed report of the April figures and shop takings were distributed to all those present.

SR said that the shop takings were very healthy as should be expected during this busy time in the allotment year. Payments for mower service and compost from Penns had been made. Further payments to Growell and Chinnor Open Gardens will be made this month.

The Sunday raffle is picking up steadily allowing us to make a small profit each week.


4  Any other financial matters


Nothing that wouldn’t be discussed later in the meeting.


5  Shop Report


PG reported that sales in the DC continue to be buoyant. A lot of stock has been purchased from Penns Flowers in Longwick and our Growell order had arrived which included fertilisers, Grow Bags and Chicken Pellets.

PG also mentioned that prices have increased significantly so a review of the shop price list would have to be made to reflect this development.






6  Shop Rota       19/5     26/5     2/6     9/6     16/6




The following have volunteered to cover the above dates.


19th May              Peter Greenway                                  9th June                              Mike Gill

26th May              Sandy Russell                                     16th June                              Rod Lavers

  2nd June              Mike Ibbett



7   Plot Letting Report


RL reported that 5 plots remain vacant and during this month two plots had been re-let.

A plot inspection took place on Tuesday 14th May by RL and TC and a number of plots have been flagged up that need attention and emails will be sent out accordingly in the next week.

On Friday 10th May five plots were weedkilled by RL and the work party during May will remove debris and rake off dead grass in readiness for rotavating.


8   Midweek Working Party


A working party was held on Wednesday 29th May to carry out the above tasks. Disappointingly, there was a fairly low turnout but the plots were cleared. However, nothing was done with the bonfire site which needs urgent attention to reduce the pile and dispose of what is becoming a major eyesore. RL thanked those who attended.



 9   Chinnor Pump and Facebook


As confirmed by the Pump editor the April edition appeared on time following its absence in April.

RL has sent copy for the May edition but the Pump editor has requested that articles should be no longer than half a side of A4 paper due to space restrictions.


11   Website and Newsletter Update  


MI will be sending out a newsletter during May, reminding plot-holders of the Chinnor Open Gardens weekend on the 1st and 2nd June, in the hope that some volunteers will come forward to help out with plant sales and donations.



12   Grant Updates


SI will be speaking to CPC councillor, Sue Ashdown with reference to councillor grants. A certain sum has been ring-fenced for use on the allotments, but must be used in the current financial year



13   A.O.B.


Walnut tree overhanging orchard area.


Permission has now been given for work on the walnut tree with certain restrictions in place as to how much can be removed. A date for this work will be discussed at the June meeting.



Leaning garage wall on service road to bottom car park.


This issue is ongoing. The landlord owning the garages has been informed of its parlous state.




No action as yet as we’re still looking at information from the CPC.


Gate Padlock at Scout Hut End


RL will be arranging for a locksmith to come and take a look at the padlock which has become increasingly difficult to operate. It’s hoped that a repair can be made to avoid the costs of purchasing a new one and having to issue in the region of 150 new keys.


Tractor Rotavator


TC will be talking to the tractor mechanic in Cuddington to ask about the possibility of fabricating some new tines for the rotavator. We are currently missing one tine but it’s hoped that we can get some bespoke tines made as our appliance is very old and the tines required are no longer available to purchase.




Following a number of thefts from the allotment site in 2023 we are looking to install some kind of CCTV as a deterrent to those who are pilfering produce. SR to look at grants for this.


Plot Judging


Independent plot judging will take place on July 8th and 10th to compile a shortlist. Final judging will be carried out on the week commencing 22nd July.


CAGA Barbecue


This has been scheduled for Saturday 27th July @ 7.00 p.m.

The attendance was quite low in 2023 and we shall be discussing ways of attracting more plot-holders at the June Meeting.


CAGA Liaison committee


There is a proposal to hold meetings with the Chinnor Parish Council to discuss allotment matters.

These will be attended by two members of the CAGA committee and two councillors from the CPC.

A date for the first meeting is yet to be arranged.


Meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.


Date of next meeting:-  Wednesday 19th June (7.00 p.m.) at the Distribution Centre.