Committee Meeting

Wednesday, December 21, 2022






Minutes of meeting held on 21st December  2022 at 7:00pm



Bryan Roebuck (BR), Pete Greenway (PG), Sandy Russell (SR), Graeme Pierce (GP), Rod Lavers (RL)

 Tich Collins (TC) Mike Ibbett (MI), Mike Gill (MG), Jackie Gunn (JG)




1.       Apologies

Peter Bowler (PB)



2.       Minutes of  previous meeting

Minutes of November 2022 meeting accepted.







3.       Finance report

SR noting bank figures.

Separate account which holds returnable plot deposits

SR researching deposit account.

SR reported shop takings and raffle takings.





4.       Any other financial matters

Plot markers. Aluminium plates/letters & numbers costing £717 have arrived. They need to be numbered and lacquered before attaching to posts which still need to be ordered and treated.  Hopefully all will be completed and installed within the next few weeks.

Insurance renewal £343 an increase of £26 from previous year.

Electrician has now sent an invoice but not sent a certificate.

Pat testing of equipment in the DC was discussed and needs to be checked. Smoke alarms to be replaced. Rod to purchase.

Replace ‘No Smoking’ signs to be replaced plus toilet signs too.

Shop sales – sluggish. Order due to be placed with Growell & Keens.













5.       Website & Facebook report, inc newsletter update & email account admin,

Newsletter sent out. Website updated on a periodical basis.




6.       Plot Letting

12 on the waiting list. All rents paid. Some plots will be divided to make smaller plots for new people. Inspection of  plots on the 10th Jan. Some plots ready now and people on the waiting list to be contacted.






7.       Chinnor Pump

Under 600 word article for the pump will be done. Contact Rod with suggestions for content.



8.       Shop Rota

8/1   MI & MG

15/1 RL & JG

22/1 SR


9.       Review of mulled wine & mince pies

Great success and will plan to do it again in the same format. Thanks go to Brian and Veronica Collier who purchased and donated the mince pies and more. A thank you card and flowers to be sent.






10.   S 106 monies

Email to be sent out to plot holders with a list of suggestions how the money can be spent. 

Discussion on the state of the DC and whether the roof needs replacing. The state of the cesspit was discussed. Suggestion was made to start saving to repair or replace the DC.  A subcommittee to promote sociable activities onsite e.g workshops, tasting and sharing recipes


11.   Review of CAGA rules

Rules to be updated. Various changes to be made. It was noted that we need an environmental policy. Suggestions as to what it should include to be sent to Mike. Mike to draft the policy.



12.   Map search

A postcode needed to search the land registry. The application made by the council to register the allotments and production of the lease for the allotments is with for rent solicitor.

Sandy mentioned that the council hasn’t sent us a bill for rent so it was decided to put the rent money aside.

After much discussion it was decided that the parish council need to be contacted to discover where they are with land registry and the lease.



13.   No Entry signs

Sandy has got them and Peter to put them up.



14.   Mid week working parties

Suggested job was to clear a couple of plots. A list of jobs to be placed on the notice boards/window soon.




15.   AOB

Vote of thanks to Tich for all the excellent work done on the chairs.

Jackie to organise a replacement green bin.

Display minutes in draft form after a meeting on notice boards.

Plant a tree in memory of John Chown possibly a fruit tree and obtain a plaque for it.

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm



16.   Date of next meeting

25th January 7 pm DC building Or Pavilion