Committee Meeting

Wednesday, July 26, 2023





Minutes of meeting held on 26th July 2023 at 7:00pm at D.C.





Pete Greenway (PG), Sandy Russell (SR), Brian Collins (BC), Rod Lavers(RL) Mike Ibbett (MI)

Bryan Roebuck (BR)





1.       Apologies


Mike Gill (MG)

Jacqui Gunn (JG)





2.       Minutes of previous meeting



3.       PAT Testing

SR - Advised these had been completed and she was in receipt of the Certificates


4.       Financial Report

SR - Noting bank figures including a report on the recent BBQ.


5.       Shop report

PG – Sales are declining as expected at this time of year

BC had bundled more of the Harefield stock

A full inventory will be completed shortly



6.       Plot Lettings

Now the tractor has been repaired plots have been rotavated

2 resignations received

2 plots ready to go 10 on waiting list






7.       Midweek working parties

RL,BC & MI to do plot walk 2/8 in order to draw up  list of work required to include cutting back drive and tidying Orchard Date 16th August at 2.00pm

The bonfire was discussed and needs to be smaller before lighting


8.       Shop Rota

30/7 MG  6/8 MI  13/8 SR 208 PG



9.       Website & Facebook report, incl newsletter update etc:

Nothing to report





10.   S106 Monies

BR Reported that he had submitted the application for roof funding to CPC.

SR had been contacted by S Ashdown and subsequently had a meeting with Liz Foley at the CPC. The CPC required clarification as to whether the items listed on the back page of the report from Buchanan Surveys had been implemented.

The CPC have concerns regarding the sustainability of the DC and require a full survey before approving the funding for the roof. They also require a number of backup documents for their records which SR had sourced and taken to the meeting.

It was agreed that MI and SR would meet with L Foley and

S Ashdown to discuss the way forward.

As MG was absent from the meeting and had not managed to collate the quotes for the bottom car park the general consensus was to go with Redhill Construction. Action to be finalised at the next meeting as a matter of urgency.

CCTV cameras were discussed as a number of plots have had produce stolen.



11.   Social Activities/events


















The BBQ was a success and only a small loss was made. As there were some cans left over committee members have subsequently purchased them. The wine left will be used at the Christmas get together of allotment holders.

A member of the public had queries with the CPC our lack of a licence for the event but as we asked for donations the licence was not required. SR discussed this with Liz Foley who clarified it was not necessary.

Grateful thanks to Ali for doing the cooking and to Ray Shurrock for helping erect and dismantle the marquee.


200 Club due to lack of support SR had made up refund envelopes for those who had made upfront payments and these are in the DC





12.   AOB

SR had produced a number of Policies which the CPC require. A list was circulated to those present. MI took them to read through and report back to the next meeting.


13.    Next Meeting

Wednesday 16th August at 7.00pm at the D.C.