Committee Meeting

Tuesday, October 24, 2023





Minutes of AGM held on Tuesday 24th October  2023 at 7:30pm at Chinnor Community Pavilion

Attendance Total of 22 people present. 7 committee members, 12 members and 3 parish councillors one who was also a plot holder.

Proceedings were initially paused to establish that a Quorum was present. After a count it was accepted that one of the two CPC representatives, whose husband was a plot holder, could be included in order to make the 20 participants (ex-committee members) threshold.

Apologies:  Brian & Veronica Collier, Bryan Roebuck. Bryan who after 23 years has now given up his allotment. Many of those years were spent serving on the committee and being chairman several times. Bryan would like to thank all committee members and allotment colleagues past and present for their help and comradeship over those years.

 AGM 2022 Matters arising  A correction issue was raised to the 2022 minutes – Finance report covered 2017 -2022, not 2021-2022 as written up in the minutes.

AGM 2022 Minutes to be agreed ( subject to above amendment) Proposed by J Hyland, seconded by A Brawn – show of hands & majority agreed 20 votes for to 0

2022/23 Year Report – given by Sandy Russell who welcomed everyone for attending. Sandy explained that the elected chairman had resigned and the year was completed with a rolling chairperson at meetings.

The deaths of Peter Bowler and John Chown were reported and marked by the planting of trees with memorial plaques. Plot holder Russell Clarke had also passed away and condolences from the committee were given to all the families.

Peter Greenaway became the shop manager and with the help of Mike Gill a full stock check was carried out on takeover and at the end of the year which is now on a spreadsheet.

An application to use S106 monies to improve the bottom carpark with associated drainage on adjacent plots and for an industrial shredder has been applied for. It is expected with the backing of CPC that we will receive the award in the New Year. Thanks go to S Ashdown and L Folley for their assistance

Pat testing has been completed and electrical tests are in progress.

Policies which have been written and signed off by the committee are Data Protection, Environmental and Code of Conduct. Other policies will be added in the future. Sandy thanked Mike Ibbett for all his work on preparing the policies and also in the S106 application.

Online banking has now been set up together with the use of a card machine.

Some funds have now been transferred into a 95 day deposit account.

Plot deposits are held in a separate account and are reconciled at year end.

Currently we are looking into CCTV as some pilfering has occurred, plot holders are now asked to carry membership cards.

The BBQ was a success with a small loss which was expected.

Treasurer’s Report Sandy Russell

The accounts as detailed in the handout provide figures from 2018 to 2023.

Shop sales increased as did profit.

Rents include a £50 refundable deposit for new plot holders.

The weekly meat draw has increased in revenue and now has 3 prizes per week.

Tools donated have been sold in the shop, these are separate to those sold in memory of Peter Bowler.

Equipment maintenance is high due to tractor repair.

Sundry included donations in memory of P Bowler and J Chown together with purchase of memorial trees and plaques.

Allotment upkeep includes 2 skips and new plot marker posts.

The accounts will now go to an independent accountant for verification.

Plot Letting Secretary’s Report Rod Lavers

This year was a much more satisfactory year than the hot summer of 2022. There have been 14 new plot holders of which 4 have given up for various reasons.  A number of work parties have been held which mainly were involved with tidying up and clearing plots of rubbish ready for re letting.  Thanks go to the work party volunteers who have helped throughout the year with this work. It has been a great help. There are currently 10 vacant plots with 8 people on the waiting list.

Shop Report  Peter Greenway

Peter thanked Mike Gill for his help as there is now a computerised inventory of all the stock. Peter would like to see the shop income increase and asked people for suggestions as to what items we might stock in the future. Potatoes have been ordered and due to arrive late Feb or early March. Refurbished tools are also available in the shop.

Jeanette Hyland thanked Peter Greenway for all his work and renovation of tools.

CAGA Policies & Procedures

Three policies discussed: (these were confirmed as detailed on the CAGA website and in addition available for download)

Data Protection – reason for introduction: we (CAGA) need to ask plot holders and obtain (written) permission to hold data as detailed in the policy.

Environment – stressed that this was to be entirely a matter of individual/personal voluntary choice. Not mandatory, but a suggestion for best practice.

Prompted lots of discussion, principally around how CAGA/DC shop procurement/stock/sales supports the Environmental policy. Pre-plot allocation preparation policy was questioned and came into the discussions: it was noted that a questionnaire before adoption may be offered as a solution to this issue. Committee to examine.

Mike Ibbett undertook to work with Peter to examine stock/sales for the Committee to report back.

Also requested feedback from plot holders on policy wording/exclusions and adoptions.


Safeguarding – despite a lot of general confusion amongst attendees as to what this policy referred to, Mike Ibbett  tried to stress that CAGA is committed to safeguarding the welfare/wellbeing of all individuals who participate in the allotments, regardless of function/involvement. This means protecting rights to safety (not to be confused with Health & Safety), free from abuse and neglect. The policy was better understood when applied to bullying which members could relate to. A code of conduct for meetings was also discussed.

To facilitate implementation of the policy, we asked for a volunteer to act as Designated Safeguarding Officer. After some discussion Jeanette offered to look into this role, but subsequent to the AGM she has declined.

Feedback requested from participants and all plot holders.

At a global level, it was accepted that members had had little time to examine the policies in advance of the AGM, and for this very reason, feedback was requested so that future amendments could canvas a wider constituency.

A suggestion from the floor was made that the ‘Management Committee’ (2 CAGA committee members and 2 CPC councillors) be reinstated to handle items like policies etc.

A vote was taken as to whether CAGA should print and hand distribute the policies to plot holders addresses. 9 votes for and 9 against. The chair had the casting vote and the decision was not to print and distribute.

A separate policy relating to risk Health & Safety is currently being planned.

Election of Officers 

Standing down of existing committee. Election of Officers: Chair, Treasurer & Secretary. /Proposals for new committee members & Election of new Committee.

Chair – Michael Gill   proposed by P Greenway and seconded by S Russell Votes 11 for 0 against 2 abstensions

Secretary – Jackie Gunn proposed by J Hyland seconded by S Gilder - vote unanimous.

Treasurer – Sandy Russell proposed by R Shurrock seconded by J Bird - vote unanimous

Committee members Peter Greenway, Rod Lavers, Mike Ibbett, Brian Collins

All were voted on with a majority

With the unexpected & sudden decision of Sandy to give up her plot due to family ill health, the Committee at short notice asked for an amendment to the constitution to allow Associate members to serve as Officers in addition to Full members. This amendment was adopted by an overwhelming majority.

However subsequent to the AGM, a challenge was lodged on a matter of technical accuracy relating to the wording of the constitution (where it is stated they must give prior 28-day notice in writing of any Constitution changes which can only be amended at AGM’s)

In the light of this oversight, the committee, apologised for this oversight and confirmed to the challenger that the Constitution would in the light of this ruling, NOT be amended.


C Davis and R Shurrock wanted to know why there was a rent increase. There was a lively discussion about the rent increase, expenditure and fund raising.   

C Davis mentioned that there is no mention of CAGA on the CPC website and hoped this would be rectified.

R Shurrock asked whether we could improve promotion of CAGA.

C Davis stated CAGA was formed in Sept 1926 and that we might like to celebrate the 100th anniversary.

Letter from Brian and Veronica Collier was read out which includes suggestions to improve the DC building.

The above topics to be discussed further at future committee meetings.

Meeting ended at 9.20 pm