Committee Meeting

Wednesday, March 22, 2023






Minutes of meeting held on 22nd March  2023 at 7:00pm @ The Crown


 Pete Greenway (PG), Rod Lavers (RL)  Tich Collins (TC), Mike Gill (MG), Jackie Gunn (JG) ,

Graeme Pierce (GP), Bryan Roebuck (BR) and Sandy Russell (SR).




1.       Apologies

Mike Ibbett (MI)



2.       Minutes of  previous meeting

Minutes of February meeting accepted.   


3.       Matters arising from previous minutes

Defibrillator isn’t working and parts are expensive. It was decided that we needed to find out if we can close the box before deciding whether or not we should keep it.



4.       Finance Report

SR handed out report and figures.


5.       Any other financial matters

Shop takings up, the meat raffle is doing well and we’re making a good profit. Thanks go to Craig Williams for donation of meat for the raffle. A decision was taken to have Easter eggs for the Easter Sunday raffle and to get meat from Charlie for the draw.

Signatories for bank account are PG, MI and SR. The account is now fully set up and SR now has a bank card.

As Sandy has been researching ‘Sum-up solo’ card readers for making digital payments in the shop or outside without needing to use a mobile phone. Cost £79 one off payment plus 1.65% of sales. Pat testing to be arranged @ £10 per hour. Sandy to chase up electrician again.





6.       S106 monies

3 projects are being looked at currently. Refurbishment of the DC, re-roofing of the DC and improvement to the carpark at the bottom end of the allotments. Discussion followed about the cost and merits of the projects. JG suggested buying a shredder so that hedge clippings and woody waste could be dealt with removing the need of having bonfires. Shredded waste to be donated to plot holders who compost. JG to look at shredders minimum of 2 shredders.









7.       Shop Report

Shop sales improving as expected. More compost has been purchased. Now looking to order more seeds. Looking at varieties of courgette, butternut squash, broccoli, various tomatoes, radishes, carrots, kale and red cabbage and mustard cress.  Any seed suggestions to PG

please. Use out of date seeds to raise plants for future plant sales.

No news from Harefield about what stock they  have left.


8.       Shop rota

26/3 RL, 2/4 MG, 9/4 SR, 16/4 GP,  23/4 ?


9.       Plot letting report

4 plots empty with 4 on the waiting list, who have been notified twice. RL to write them a letter and if no response they will be removed from the list. Some empty plots still need work done. Eg spraying.




10.   Midweek working parties

Red posts have been painted by Bryan and Tich. Now need placing on plots.

No date set for the next working party.  Good feedback had from people who helped on the Wednesday work parties. Plot holders on Facebook have been invited to use the skip to get rid of any rubbish on their plots. DC to be checked for rubbish which can be thrown in the skip.




11.    Chinnor Pump Update

Noted that Doug Plotmore needs to write shorter articles for the Chinnor Pump due to less space for articles. Mention CAGA stall at King’s Coronation event on 7th May at the playing fields.


12.   Allotment lease

Despite Sandy speaking to a Parish Councillor we still owe 2 years rent to CPC


13.   Future social activities/events

200 club. Had been agreed to do one. Sandy offered to run it and had already an offer to help run it. Suggestion was each member would pay annually when rents were due.

Plant sales on 7th May. Helpers needed for setting up and manning the stall. Meat raffle to go ahead on the Sunday at the DC. Need to begin sowing seeds to propagate plants to sell. RL to find out more details about the event from Maxine Pickard.

BBQ on Saturday 8th July, Mention details on Facebook & Newsletter Just have burgers and sausages. Have early bird tickets. 



14.   AOB

Report of survey results to be passed on to plot holders.

Tich offered to empty rubbish from from DC and place in the skip. Gas bottles need refilling in time for BBQ.

Shallots donated by a man from KB.

Replacement recycling bin in hand.

Possible supply of pigeon poo for people who would like to use it for composting.

Meeting minutes to be posted on boards asap in draft form.

Possibly open the middle path in mid-April as currently too wet.  Also too wet to rotavate plots at the moment.







15.   Date of next meeting

19th  April 7 pm @ The Crown venue  tbc