Committee Meeting

Wednesday, October 26, 2022





Minutes of AGM held on Wednesday 26th October  2022 at 7:30pm at Chinnor Community Pavilion

Attendance Total of 20 people present. 7 committee members and 13 members

Apologies Peter Bowler

Previous AGM Minutes Read and accepted. Proposed Jeanette Hyland & seconded by Veronica Collier

Chairman’s Report Chair Bryan Roebuck welcomed all present at the AGM.

Despite covid  still being around the shop reopened in May.  This year major renovation and improvements to the kitchen and toilet area were completed. There is now a new fully tiled toilet complete with hand washing facilities and a dryer. Thanks were given to all those who helped to achieve a professional finish to the project. Thanks given to Brian Collier, ably assisted by Peter Greenway and Brian Collins plus others who contributed. Thanks to James DeGlas for his company’s charitable donation of equipment for the renovation.

Successful working parties have ensured that the allotments are now in a better and tidier place than before. Thanks were given to committee members and plot holders who turned out to help with the working parties. The responses had been excellent.

 Growing wise, we have had a mixed year with less than normal rain resulting in a hosepipe ban which still exists. Successful crops vary throughout the allotments. Tomatoes have been a success for all, most people had success with courgettes, beetroot and carrots. Potato yields varied from plot to plot. Runner beans produced lots of flowers but did not set.

Treasurer’s Report Sandy Russell

The accounts as detailed in the handout provide figures for both 2021 and 2022. Sundry - includes cleaning products for new toilet and kitchen. Subsistence for work parties including the BBQ after the last work party. Allotment upkeep – 3 skips. Overview – The bank is in a very healthy position despite all the outlay for the refurbishment of the toilet and kitchen area. The Assets reflect this but have only been reduced by £1478.

Plot Letting Secretary’s Report Rod Lavers

It’s been a challenging year, but reasonably successful, despite the best attempts of the scorching weather. At the present time we have 11 people on the waiting list for 4 allotments, which is well down on the 27 we had at this time last year. This in part is due to the sterling work of the numerous work parties we’ve had that have toiled away on the large number of plots that have been vacated. The committee are indebted to all the plot-holders and volunteers who have turned up on these Saturday mornings to improve the appearance of the site. In an attempt to cut down this work in the future, new tenants are now charged a £50 returnable deposit in addition to their registration fee and yearly rent. If the tenant leaves the plot in a good condition the £50 is returned, but if a lot of debris and rubbish are left then this deposit is forfeited and the money will go towards the cost of a skip.  This year we have paid out £900.00 in skip rental, which is a sizeable chunk of our annual income from rents. This year we have had printed new membership cards, which can be collected at the end of the meeting or any Sunday morning from the allotment shop between 10.00 and midday. At the present there are still some 30 plot-holders who still haven’t paid their annual fees and if not paid by Monday 31st October 2022, they will receive a reminder in accordance with our rules. If the monies remain unpaid after 14 days from the notice the plot-holder will be deemed as having vacated the plot and will be asked to remove any tools etc from the site.

A vote of thanks to Rod was proposed by Ray Shurrock

Shop Report  given by Bryan Roebuck on behalf of Peter Bowler

The shop is back to normal operation after the previous year’s Covid restrictions. There have been a few supply issues early in the year, but these have generally improved now. Costs of many items have increased dramatically, particularly “chemical” fertilisers, whilst chicken manure pellets and seeds remain fairly stable.

Weekly meat draw continues to be popular, providing a regular profit of £10 - £15 per week. The spirit draw has recently restarted and awaits its level of uptake: this is not a weekly draw, but is drawn when an appropriate number of tickets have been sold.

A small seed potato order (in keeping with previous years sales experience) will be placed shortly. These should be available late February 2023 on a “first come, first served” basis.

There was a vote of thanks for people helping in the shop.

Election of Officers - New committee members Jackie Gunn and Michael Gill joined the existing committee members - Graeme Pierce, Mike Ibbett, Peter Greenway, Peter Bowler, Sandy Russell, Rod Lavers, Brian Collins and Bryan Roebuck.

Election of Officers  

Chair - Graeme Pierce proposed by Peter Greenway seconded by Jeanette  Hyland.                                            Treasurer – Sandy Russell proposed by Veronica Collier seconded by Peter Greenway.                                    Secretary – Jackie Gunn proposed by Mandy Clark seconded by Veronica Collier.

Rod Lavers – plot letting secretary and Peter Bowler shop manager are happy to continue their roles.


There was a discussion about working parties always happening on a Saturday. Suggestions to also have them through the week or even on a Sunday when the shop was open as not everyone could make a Saturday. Maybe an ongoing list of jobs could be displayed so someone might like to do it when it was convenient for them.  

Christmas drinks with mince pies were suggested as an informal social event before Christmas.

Both topics will be discussed at future committee meetings.