Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Minutes of committee meeting held on 17th April 2024 at the D.C @ 7.00 p.m.

Present:-  Mike Gill (Chairman) MG,  Sandy Russell (Treasurer) SR,  Peter Greenway PG,

Rod Lavers (Plot Letting) RL,  Mike Ibbett MI,  Brian Collins TC, Jackie Gunn JG.                                      



1  Apologies                                       None                                                                                    


2  Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.  Passed.


 It was at this point in the meeting that RL questioned the validity of having Jackie Gunn continue in the role of CAGA secretary. The lateness of the previous minutes and Jackie’s persistent involvement in affairs outside her remit was causing a rift between herself and her committee colleagues. This view was shared by others and a vote ensued which resulted in a majority decision (6-1) in favour of removing JG from her role as CAGA Secretary and Committee Member. At this point RL volunteered to take over the role of recording the meeting’s minutes.


3  Financial Report


A printed report of the March figures and shop takings were distributed to all those present. SR mentioned that all recent plot holders’ deposits had been transferred to the deposit account. SR had been contacted by “Sum Up”, who have requested further information regarding details of CAGA officers when we reach £5000 in takings. It was felt that this figure wouldn’t be reached for some considerable time so this would be addressed nearer the time.


4  Any other financial matters


Nothing that wouldn’t be discussed later in the meeting.


5  Shop Report


PG reported that sales in the DC continue to be buoyant. A further delivery of Kings seeds has now arrived and our delivery from Codnor (sundries) would be arriving in the next few weeks. PG also mentioned that all the 4’ canes which we purchased from Harefield Allotments last year have now been sold.


6  Shop Rota       21/4   28/4   5/5   12/5   19/5




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The following have volunteered to cover the above dates.


21st April              Sandy Russell                                     12th May              Rod Lavers

28th April              Mike Gill                                               19th May              Peter Greenway

  5th May              Mike Ibbett  


7   Plot Letting Report


RL reported that since the last meeting two new tenants have been signed up but due to a resignation the number of plots now vacant stands at 7. There are no names on the current waiting list apart from someone who is moving into the village from Abingdon in the coming weeks and has requested a plot.


8   Midweek Working Party


RL suggested that there are very few tasks to be completed at the moment, so no party will be held until after the following meeting. In the interim RL and TC will carry out a plot inspection during May.

Action RL


9   Diary of Events


JG is still in the process of finalising dates and speakers for her list of talks in the coming months.

Action JG


10   Chinnor Pump and Facebook


RL reiterated that due to the paucity of copy and adverts for the Pump, the March issue was cancelled. However, the April edition is due for circulation for this weekend. RL will be submitting copy for the May edition.

Action RL


11   Website and Newsletter Update  


MI has spoken to Franz Lytzen (webmaster) concerning the non payment of continuing our domain licence which resulted in various plotholders being unable to access the CAGA website in recent weeks. Franz has also been approached to manage the site with a view to finding a replacement in due course. SR mentioned that her daughter in law may be interested in this role.

Action SR and MI


12   Grant Updates


MI has discovered that our local councillors have in the region of £15,000 to allocate to deserving causes under the Councillor Priority Fund. If we are eligible for a share of these grants we will have to give an outline of any project we feel would be beneficial to the allotments. This project(s) would have to be costed fully before any money could be allocated.

Local councillor, Sue Ashdown, has informed MI that the S106 monies have now been exhausted following the work on the lower car park and our plans to purchase a new shredder. The final bill for the car park project was revealed to the committee, plus the 10% contingency measure. This would be paid on our behalf by Chinnor Parish Council.


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13   A.O.B.


Walnut tree overhanging orchard area.


Concerns have been raised about the ageing walnut tree which is taking a considerable amount of light away from the fruit trees in the orchard.

Apparently there is a TPO (temporary preservation order) on the tree which will be inspected by a tree officer from South and Vale DC in due course.

Action  MG


Leaning garage wall on service road to bottom car park.


MG has been in discussions with both Chinnor Parish Council and South and Vale DC about the parlous state of the brick garage wall which is leaning dangerously towards the service road. There are real fears that the wall could collapse on vehicles accessing the car park or worse still someone walking along the adjoining path. It is hoped that the landowner of the garage will comply with requests from CPC to have the existing wall demolished and buid a replacement.

Action MG




TC questioned as to why we still have the defibrillator machine when the current battery has been exhausted. The committee discussed the need to pay for a replacement battery or possibly a new machine if the current one is obsolete. SR will discuss with councillor Sue Ashdown if we are eligible for a grant to purchase a new one which would have to be sited outside the DC at a location to be discussed in the future.

Action SR


Meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.


Date of next meeting:-  Wednesday 15th May (7.00 p.m.) at the Distribution Centre.