Committee Meeting

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Minutes of committee meeting held on Wednesday 19th June 2024 at the D.C. @7.00 p.m.


Present:-             Mike Gill (Chairman) MG, Sandy Russell (Treasurer) SR, Rod Lavers (Plot Letting) RL,

                                Brian Collins TC, plus plotholders, Maureen Dyroff  (50&51) and Margaret Lambert



Apologies:-        Mike Ibbett and Peter Greenway.


Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.


The matter of the defibrillator was discussed and SR suggested that we sell raffle tickets at the upcoming summer barbecue on Saturday 27th July to raise funds for this much needed appliance.

The tractor rotavator has now been fixed by Steve Folley and payment will be arranged. This will allow the current vacant plots to be prepared ready for new tenants.


Finance Report


A printed report of the May figures were handed out to committee members. SR said that shop takings had taken a small dip but this was to be expected after a very busy April period. The Sunday raffle is continuing to make a small profit to CAGA funds.


Any other financial matters


SR suggested that we change our existing energy payment to Eon to a three year fixed tariff as not doing so would see our existing deal would be in excess of £600.


Shop Report


Peter Greenway was not in attendance so an up to date report wasn’t available.


Shop Rota


23/6                      “Tich” Collins                                       7/7                      Mike Gill

30/6                      TBA                                                        14/7                      Sandy Russell


Plot Letting Report


RL stated that five plots were still vacant and available to rent. Appeals in the Chinnor Pump and on Facebook had resulted in no more tenants coming forward at the present time. Therefore, our waiting list remains at zero but this could change quickly in the coming months.

Midweek working parties


It was discussed by all that our midweek working parties were being poorly attended so RL suggested that we try and get more people involved at the weekends, even though many of our plot-holders who are still in full time work may be reluctant to get involved? It was decided to give the Saturday dates another go to see if this may be a success and a date of Saturday 13th July has been penned in to see if we can get any response. RL to put a notice on FB to advertise this.


Chinnor Pump and Facebook.


“CAGA CLIPPINGS” would be returning in the June issue as usual. Notices concerning the Summer Barbecue will also be posted in the coming weeks.


Website and Newsletter Update


Mike Ibbett was absent from the meeting so no updates were available.


Meeting with Chinnor Parish Council (17th June)


MG and RL attended a very cordial meeting with the Chinnor Parish Council  at the Community Pavilion offices with Councillors Ashdown and Webb. A variety of topics were discussed and the report will be distributed to all committee members at a later date.




CCTV – SR confirmed that no financial support will be given from the CPC but there could be the possibility of a grant from SODC.


Postbox  -  RL will be looking into different kinds of postbox available, which can be attached by brackets to the main gate at the DC end of the allotments


Padlocks – RL had met the locksmith who looked at the Scout Hut end of the allotments padlock and concluded that wear and tear was the problem with opening and closing the lock. It was still working but there was a knack as to its operation. Subsequent to the meeting the padlock at the main gate has also gone missing so there will have to be a discussion at the next meeting to decided on the purchase of new locks, possibly combination types which will not incur the cost of extra keys.


Resignation – RL confirmed to the meeting that he will be stepping down from his role as Plot Letter and as a member of the CAGA committee with effect from 30th September 2024. This will provide a fresh opportunity to fill the role of Plot Letter at the AGM later in the year.


Summer Barbecue


Scheduled for Saturday 27th July 2024 with a start time of 7.00 p.m. It was discussed that all plot holders, plus their children will be welcome to attend with no cost for food but beers and wines available for purchase on the night. RL confirmed that Ali Mentesh is available for cooking the food.


Next Meeting:-           Wednesday 17th July at the DC @ 7.00 p.m.