Minutes of CAGA Meeting on 16th Sept 2020 via Zoom Present : Peter Greenway, Diane Troye, David Shaw, Pete Bowler, Mike Ibbet, Bryan Roebuck, Rod Lavers, Stephen Colley, Frans Lytzen Apologies: Ged Wells |
Minutes |
Minutes of the last meeting were approved. |
Finance |
Money in the bank stands at £11,320. There is an invoice awaited from Gro-Well in respect of an outstanding order. Electric power supply has now been resolved and is with Eon for the forthcoming year. Thank you to Pete for sorting. Pete is now preparing the annual accounts for the year ending Sept and should have them available to the committee by the next meeting. |
Pete G |
Shop |
The shop has been operating during lockdown for those plot holders who have placed online orders and collected them at agreed times via Pete G and Peter B on either a Wednesday or Saturday. Orders have recently slowed. Regular Sunday opening is still not possible. Please contact Pete Greenway via email: pr.greenway@icloud.com to arrange purchase and collection. Pete B is to carry out a stock take by the end of Sept to aid completion of year end accounts. The toilets are to remain closed for the time being as it is not possible to comply with social distancing and hygiene rules. Thanks go out to Brian Collins for clearing and tidying the equipment garage and for cutting down the brambles over by the Scout Hut. |
Pete B |
Shop Rota |
The Sunday shop remains closed at this time due to Covid-19 rules. |
Distribution Centre and its’ future |
Standing Item: No change to last month’s up date. Mike has had no response from CPC despite assurances that they would. Until ownership of land and a lease contract is sorted then nothing can be progressed on the matter of the hut. |
Plots & Plot Letting |
Rod Lavers has now confirmed his acceptance of the position of Plot Letting following discussions with Frans. Rod will be responsible for running and maintaining the Allotment data base, plot layout plan, the waiting list, plot inspection list and rent renewals and rent collection data sheets. Rod will head up a Plot Letting Sub-Committee with Bryan Roebuck and Jeanette Hyland assisting him. They will be looking to review the current plot letting rules as well as the day to day monitoring of the plots, plot letting and terminations. It is agreed they will meet independently within the next week to discuss the above and prepare a proposal to put before the committee at the next meeting in October. The Committee wish to thank Frans for all the work he has done in the past few years. Frans will continue to be busy, taking on the marketing and computer work involved in running the Allotments. His duties will cover maintaining the mailing list, printing, emails, the Website, monthly newsletter, posting the minutes and producing the annual rent letters. There are currently 25 people on the plot waiting list. The Scouts have now been in touch via Frans who confirm they wish to keep on with the plot located near the Scout hut and will endeavour to cultivate it ASAP. |
Rod, Bryan & Jeanette |
Working Party |
The working party went ahead on the 5th September with work carried out to the hedges along the main entrance drive, clearance of boundary fence behind plot 16 (Duck Square area) and the communal compost heap. Thanks to Pete G for arranging a skip. The Committee wish to thank everyone who attended namely: Stephen Colley P15, Rod Lavers P84, Stuart Harding P48, Rod Thorpe P34, Pete Greenway P40, Jeanette Hyland P36, Diane & David P68, Brian Collier P53, Alan Brawn P77, Brian Collins P38, John Atkins P5, Morris Pullen P14, John Higgerson P29 and Matt & Dave. If I have missed anyone off my apologies (will aim to do better next time!), our thanks to you all. It is hoped to arrange a further working party in the near future, so please watch out for this when it is hoped a few more plot holders will step forward and assist. “More hands make lighter work!” |
Main Gates |
REMINDER: All plot holders are advised to close the gates upon leaving if they are the last person on the site irrespective if there is a car / bike there or not and whatever the time of day. All plot holders must have the gate keys with them when attending their allotment. A gate key can be purchased from the shop costing £4. Please contact Pete Greenway via email: pr.greenway@icloud.com to arrange purchase and collection. |
All Plot Holders |
AGM & Committee Set Up |
As reported last month due to Covid-19 this year’s AGM will not take place. A letter has now been drawn up by Mike ( thank you Mike) and will be sent out via email this month to all plot holders with email addresses by Frans and posted to those without. The letter will include the rent renewal notice with all rents falling due in October. All plot holders are asked to submit their rent no later than the end of October, failure to pay by then will mean your plot is revoked and will be deemed vacant. To assist Plot Holders submitting their rent the D.C Hut will be open on the following dates & times: Saturday 3rd Oct 2pm to 4pm – Pete Greenway Sunday 4th Oct 2pm to 4pm – Pete Bowler Saturday 10th Oct 2pm to 4pm - Diane & David Shaw Sunday 11th Oct 2pm to 4pm – Rod Lavers Plot holders should put their payment in a sealed envelope detailing their name, address and plot number. Payment can be made by cheque (payable to Chinnor Allotment & Garden Association) or by cash with the precise amount enclosed. NO CHANGE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE DAY. Rod to provide a list of all rents due to the DC Hut for the opening times above. Until a formal AGM can be held a temporary Chairman will need to be appointed and therefore anyone wishing to step into this role in the short term is invited to contact any committee member to put their name forward. New committee members are also being sought, so if you are interested in getting involved please come forward. Ged Wells has now formally stepped down from the role of Chairman after 5 years in the position. Our thanks go out to Ged and we wish him a long and happy retirement. During those 5 years Ged worked hard to improve conditions on the allotments, was instrumental in getting the main driveway and car park tarmacked, installing a new gate and working with CPC in renewing sections of the boundary fence. As a token of our thanks the Committee presented Ged with a gift of thanks which was presented to him recently in compliance with Social Distancing rules: |
All Plot Holders
All Plot Holders
Rod All Plot Holders |
Chinnor Pump |
It has been agreed that Stephen Colley will now write the monthly CAGA article for the Chinnor Pump commencing with the October edition. Our thanks to Stephen for taking this on. |
Stephen Colley |
Tree Removal Work |
The large cherry tree lining the boundary fence to the rear of plots 85, 86 & 87 is to be removed on Tuesday 13th October by DV Tree Care at 10am. The contractor will require access to this area and will be parking his truck and equipment at the Van Diemans end car park. It is agreed that they will leave chippings for the use of plot holders but take away all logs. |
Additional Trees |
Peter Bowler raised the matter proposed by Ollie to have additional trees planted on the allotments on behalf of CPC. It is felt that there are sufficient trees presently so have declined the offer with thanks. |
Next meeting will be on Wednesday14th October 2020 at 7pm via Zoom Digital Conferencing. |