Committee Meeting

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Minutes of CAGA Meeting on 18th Nov 2020 via Zoom

Present : Bryan Roebuck, Peter Greenway, Diane Troye, David Shaw, Pete Bowler, Mike Ibbet, Rod Lavers, Stephen Colley, Frans Lytzen




Minutes of the last meeting were approved. 



Money in the bank stands at £13,647 with all bills paid to current date.

Thanks go out to Rod for undertaking the collection of all annual plot rent which has seen the balance in the bank increase.



The shop remains operational during lockdown. Plot holders who wish to purchase anything from the shop can do so by placing an online order and agreeing a time to collect the items via Pete G.  Please contact Pete Greenway via email: to arrange purchase and collection.

The order for broad bean seeds has now been received.  Anyone wishing to buy broad beans please contact Pete G as stated above.

Also back in stock is compost and 4m wide anti bird netting.

Pete is now busy compiling an order for 2021 seeds which should be received in December. An order for seed potatoes has also been placed which once received will be sold on a first come first served basis. Plot holders will be notified in due course.

There has been a request for the shop to stock wooden batons/stakes for making cages which could be sourced from Briants. Bryan is to look into the negotiated discount CAGA has with them and report back to the committee to see if this is viable.










Shop Rota

The Sunday shop remains closed at this time due to Covid-19 rules.


Plots & Plot Letting

Rod will head up a Plot Letting Sub-Committee with Bryan Roebuck and Jeanette Hyland assisting him. 

They have undertaken a review of the plot letting rules alongside Frans, who is write up the wording and send to all committee members before the next meeting.

6 plots have recently been let making full occupancy to date. Of those plots not considered fit to be let out Rod is to supply details to Bryan ASAP in order to get a professional quote for clearance works.

There are currently 18 people on the plot waiting list.






Working Party

Carried forward:  1 meter boundary fence clearance work to be considered – rear of plots 50 – 56. To be discussed at next meeting.

The bramble bushes near the Scout Hut require clearance; Pete G & Tich have plans in place to do this in near future.


Main Gates

REMINDER: All plot holders are advised to close the gates upon leaving if they are the last person on the site irrespective if there is a car / bike there or not and whatever the time of day.  All plot holders must have the gate keys with them when attending their allotment. A gate key can be purchased from the shop costing £4.  Please contact Pete Greenway via email:  to arrange purchase and collection.

All Plot Holders

Centre Lane

REMINDER: The centre lane is now closed to all vehicles for the winter

All Plot Holders

AGM  & Committee Set Up

Until a formal AGM can be held Bryan Roebuck, Plot 33F has kindly stepped forward to take on the temporary position of Chairman. The committee are unanimous in this decision and look forward to working with Bryan.


Chinnor Pump

Stephen is now working on the next article for the December issue.  Anyone with ideas for submission is invited to contact Stephen to discuss.

Stephen Colley

Associate Memberships

All associate memberships now need to be renewed and the appropriate fees paid - £3.00.  New membership cards are now available. Anyone wishing to renew their membership please contact any committee member.


Allotment Communal Compost Heap

Concerns have been raised that the compost heap is being abused and that plot holders are using it to dump perennial weeds and non-compostable items on it which renders the idea of a useable compost heap pointless. Bryan will discuss this matter with Allan Brawn and Rod Thorpe who are the main overseers of the heap to see if anything else can be done. If plot holders are unwilling to follow basic rules concerning its use then the heap may well have to be closed.




Next meeting will be on Wednesday16th December 2020 at 7pm via Zoom Digital Conferencing.