Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 19, 2023





 Minutes of meeting held on 19th April  2023 at 7:00pm @ The Crown

Present:  Pete Greenway (PG), Rod Lavers (RL)  Tich Collins (TC), Jackie Gunn (JG) , Graeme Pierce (GP),

 Mike Ibett (MI) and Sandy Russell (SR).




1.       Apologies

Mike Gill (MG) Bryan Roebuck (BR)



2.       Minutes of  previous meeting

Minutes of March meeting accepted.   


3.       Matters arising from previous minutes

PAT testing is being arranged



4.       Finance Report

SR handed out report.


5.       Any other financial matters

CPC have now been paid 2 years rent.

Still no contact from the electrician.

Pat testing of equipment is being organised and a decision on which items to be tested has to be made.

Bills due are for electricity and the items from Harefield allotments.

Shop takings for March are really good and April’s takings are looking better.

200 club. Suggested prize money will be 50%. Plot holders will be asked in the next newsletter if they would be interested in joining. 200 club to begin when and if there is enough interest.

Plot holders will also be notified via the newsletter that card payments will be available at the shop soon.





6.       Shop Report

We’re running short of compost! It was decided to collect more on Saturday pm.

There is now a marked tin to keep monies from the sale of Peter Bowlers tools separate.  

Rod Lavers has arranged to collect sale stock from Harefield allotments on Tuesday. CAGA to cover the cost of the trip.


7.       Shop Rota

23/4 MG, 30/4 MI, 7/5 GP,  14/5 JG,  21/5 RL, 28/5 SR.


8.       Plot letting report

3 people currently on the waiting list. A plot walk to be carried out on Tuesday 25th  April at 3.30 pm. Still too wet to rotovate plots.


9.       Midweek working parties

Not a lot to do currently. The ivy between the garage and DC building needs removing. Suggestion was to put the task on the notice board for a volunteer to do.




10.    Chinnor Pump

No change, articles need to be shorter due to less space.


11.   S106 monies

Progress of suggestions

a)       Bottom track. MI had sent all a copy of quote to tarmac the parking area. It was suggested the problem was due to rain water being unable to drain away because of earth compaction of the car parking area and central track. It was suggested that some drainage be put in place to alleviate and help rectify the problem.  Mike to get drainage works added to the quote and also get a 2nd quote.

b)      DC roof. Tich has one quote so far and needs to get a 2nd quote.

c)       No progress on DC renovation.

d)      Shredders, no one in favour as most preferred bonfires.















12.   Future social activities/events

 Progress of events

a)       King’s coronation on 7th May. Stall at the pavilion event. Helpers needed for setting up and manning the stall. Shop & meat raffle to go ahead at the DC.

b)      COG weekend Sunday 4th June. DC shop open as normal and in addition will sell any donated plants to raise funds for CAGA.

c)       BBQ to cost £7.50 for early birds up until the 15th of June otherwise £10. Subcommittee meeting in the DC on Wednesday 3rd May at 7pm.

 All to be mentioned in next newsletter.









13.   AOB

The standpipe next to plot 88F has low water pressure. After some discussion and suggested ideas, RL will take a  look at the tap to see if the problem can be resolved without a plumber.


Tree plaques, still to be sourced. Various places to obtain them were suggested.


Thanks to JG for sourcing a green bin with a lid.


Peter G made a suggestion that we could have an arbor in the orchard for plot holder’s use. It was suggested that we consider this at a later time.


JG asked a question about pricing policy on behalf of MG.

What was the mark up policy and who will implement it as regards the Harefield stock. RL & PG to carry this out together. Shop expenses are taken into consideration when pricing.


Future hosepipe usage to be mentioned in the next newsletter.

Grass in communal areas won’t be cut during May.








14.   Date of next meeting

17th  May 7 pm @ The Crown venue  tbc