Draft Minutes of committee meeting held on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at the DC @ 7.00 p.m.
Present:- Mike Gill (MG) Chairman, Sandy Russell (SR) Treasurer, Rod Lavers (RL) Plot Letting
Brian Collins (TC), Mike Ibbett (MI)
1 Apologies:- Peter Greenway.
2 Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.
These were accepted but MI made the point that the requested and agreed amendments to the August meeting had still not been made; in addition the meeting lacked a quorum of four for making future decisions in committee, as did the September meeting.
3 Finance Report
SR circulated the latest CAGA figures to the rest of the committee.
There is still an outstanding bill for the flyers we had printed for the Chinnor Produce and Flower Show
on August Bank Holiday Monday. We still have a good number of these to distribute around the village at a later date.
A stock check on the shop supplies will be carried out by MG, RL and SR next Monday 28th September. The resulting figures will then be used to gauge what further stock is needed and supply SR with the necessary figures for the AGM in October.
4 Shop Report
Peter Greenway is still absent from meeting due to personal circumstances, but there was discussion about canvassing plot-holders as to their preference for potato varieties in order to draw up an order which should arrive at the DC in February 2025.
5 Shop Rota
Sunday 29th September Michael Gill Sunday 13th October Sandy Russell
Sunday 6th October Mike Ibbett Sunday 20th October “Tich” Collins
6 Facebook and Chinnor Pump
RL pointed out that there would be no article from “Doug Plotmoor” in this month’s Chinnor Pump as he had inadvertently missed the deadline. “Doug” was still a bit peeved about his August article being cut in half, so the issue was missing vital information concerning CAGA’s presence at the Flower and Produce Show, and no apology was forthcoming from the Pump editor when it was pointed out.
RL said that he would publicise the October AGM on the CAGA Facebook page in due course.
7 Midweek Working Party
It was felt by all that there was no immediate need for another working party until further notice.
8 Website and Newsletter Update
MI will be sending out a newsletter to all our email addresses on file in the coming days.
In addition to this MI will be having printed hard copies of the CAGA AGM invite, plus the minutes from the 2023 AGM. These will then be distributed by hand through all the letterboxes of plot-holders by
Committee members, each being responsible for a different zone.
9 Constitutional changes
There will be an announcement in the renewal emails sent out to all plot-holders that there will be a small rise of £1 per half plot or pro rata for the October 2024 – 25 year. It was also decided that nomination forms for Officers of the committee and new committee members will be printed and distributed along with the hard copies of the AGM invite.
MI distributed copies of the current/proposed revised constitution, the contents of which were discussed at some length and amendments were made where necessary.
10 Rent Renewals
RL was working with Alan Brawn to send out all the reminders to plot-holders of their renewals, which become due on October 1st. Alan had also been working on the database to iron out any glitches before the new Plot Letter takes over following the resignation of RL on September 30th.
RL has agreed with Alan to oversee the process, which also includes producing hard copies of the rent reminders to the six CAGA plot-holders who don’t have email addresses.
Reminders will be sent out to any non- payers at the end of October.
11 AOB
RL mentioned to the meeting that the memorial Victoria Plum tree planted in the orchard area has mysteriously died and he will be purchasing a replacement in due course.
A vote of thanks to Robert Oliver was recorded for his assistance in the shop during the last month.
Next meeting;- Wednesday 16th October in the DC @ 7.00 p.m.