
Thinking about getting an allotment?

If you are thinking about getting your own allotment, please contact us  or just come down to the allotments any Sunday morning between 10 and 12 noon. We are currently open every Sunday. 

Allotments come in different sizes. A standard "9-pole" is approximately 150-200 square metres and is £42 per year. However, many people find that a full-size allotment is too much so we also offer many half-size plots which may be more manageable and is certainly easier to get started with.

There is also a fully refundable "joining" deposit fee of £50. This deposit will be refundable subject to the state of your plot on vacating it in the future. Fully details will be outlined by the Plot Letter on joining.


The allotment year starts on 1 October each year. What this means is that when people give up their allotments, they will usually vacate it by the end of September and new tenants take it over from 1 October, which means you will have time to get the ground ready for the following spring - and get a few broad beans, onions and garlic in the ground for over wintering if you like.

Right now there are plots available for instant possession!

The sooner you contact us the sooner you could be on your own plot enjoying home-grown vegetables and fruit.